Valery Bochkov – Assassination of the president

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After having been awarded the RUSSIAN PRIZE for his literary fiction debut, Valery Bochkov – a Russian living in the US already for a long time – crossed border in a thriller trilogy where classic American high-tension meets classic Russian intellectual prose.

Predicting the unpredictable with great insight, Bochkov’s trilogy about the assassination of the Russian President is revealing a straight-forward view of nowadays Russia.

A breath-taking page turner with the plot precisely organized with dynamic pace and action.

Polish translation rights for Vol. 1 KHARON have been sold to Insignis.

Sergei Loiko – The Flight

   new sale

Polish rights for Sergei Loiko’s political action thriller THE FLIGHT have been sold to Akurat.

Inspired by true events, extensive research and war reporting of the former prize-winning Moscow Los Angeles Times correspondent. (L.A. Times editorial award for “Best Reporting in 2014”).

«Every hero, a character; every character, a story; every story, a destiny.» COLTA.RU