Aleksei Ivanov – Riot Gold

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Arabic rights to Dar al-Kutub

Aleksei Ivanov’s historical novel ZOLOTO BUNTA – RIOT GOLD is one of several novels about the cruel medieval past of Siberia.

1778. The Urals are smoky by mining plants. And for factories there is only one road to Russia – the rough river Chusovaya. But here the barks with factory iron are ruthlessly destroyed by coastal rocks. For the rafters, who lead the barks on the river stremnins, there is a way to avoid the wreckage: to ask Satan for help, and transfer their immortal soul to a schismatic sect. However, the young raftingman Ostash raises a revolt against the sect. The reason, it seems, is in the gold of the Pugachev treasure hidden somewhere on the rocks.


Ivan Bunin – Dark Alleys

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Spanish rights to Navona

Due to historical circumstances during and also after the Cold War, only recently the successors of Bunin’s relatives and rightful heirs could be traced completely and thus The Bunin Estate has now been legally reconstituted. Wiedling Literary Agency is representing all works by Ivan Bunin worldwide with the exception of Russia and France.

The first russian Nobel Prize winner for literature has a come back because Russian readers feel that a next heavy political turning point will hit Russian society between 2021-24 which is hundred years after Bunin’s view on the Revolution of 1917.

Aleksei Ivanov – Nenast’e

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French rights to Payot et Rivages

A Russian provincial town the 90ies where after the collaps of the Soviet Union mafia groups that still obey rules of comradeship and „honesty“ bring kind of stability to the town. But slowly they are pushed aside by other mendacious and „dishonest“ guys who are seeking their private financial profit only. A late revenge of one of the old „honest“ guys brings the situation to escalation.

NENAST’E is a contemporary novel where Aleksei Ivanov is using a thriller plot for his emotional caleidoscope and realistic analysis of the Russian provincial society developing after the end of the Soviet Union.

Roman Senchin – «Rain in Paris» sold to Noir sur Blanc/ France

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It is raining in Paris. Russian tourist Andrei hardly comes out of the hotel room, but travels – against his will, but with a lot of alcohol – deep into his own past. So far suppressed by the events of everyday life, they rise from the depths to the surface. Internally, however, the sun comes out more often and illuminates the dark spots of that time.

The sincerity and accuracy of the author, the attention to detail create the vivid and truthful image of a forty-year-old man and his life in the Russian province. The hero and the reader with him become gradually aware: Without understanding the past, people have no future.

“«Rain in Paris» is also a kind of crypto-remake, an encrypted on many levels exten- sive allusion to Oblomov.“

French translation rights to RAIN IN PARIS by Roman Senchin have been sold to Noir sur Blanc. This will be Senchin’s fourth novel in French translation.