Vladimir Sharov – Be as Children

new publication

English language edition published by Dedalus Books/ UK

Translated again by awarded translator Oliver Ready this edition is already the third work by Vladimir Sharov published by Dedalus, but sadly the first posthumous one.

Natalia Sherba – Time Wizards

new sale

Volume 4-6 of the young adult fantasy series have been sold to Európa Könyvkiadó

After the successful introduction of of Natalia Sherba’s young adult fantasy series TIME WIZARDS to Hungarian readers the publisher has acquired rights for the remaining volumes.

„I am sure that thousands of boys and girls will follow her, breahtless with delight.“ SERGEY LUKYANENKO

„In her outstanding magical story about Vasilisa, she manages to create a completely new, fascinating and original fantasy for children.“ ALEKSEI PEKHOV

„Natalia Sherba’s energy and passion have completely transferred to the text. The rich imagination and lively immediacy of the author is a definite plus for this kind of fantasy.“ H.L. OLDIE