Roman Senchin – Rain in Paris – in Macedonian

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Macedonian translation published by Makedonika Litera

The sincerity and accuracy of Roman Senchin, the attention to detail in his novel RAIN IN PARIS create the vivid and truthful image of a forty-year-old man and his life in the Russian province. The hero and the reader with him become gradually clear: Without understanding the past, people have no future.

«“Rain in Paris“ is an extraordinarily graceful novel for all the details of everyday life. And with all the acute socio-political content a thoroughly philosophical text.» PAVEL BASINSKI

Dmitri Rus – Play to Live for Germany

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German language rights for full PLAY TO LIVE series sold to Zweihänder

The LitRPG series PLAY TO LIVE by D. Rus is constantly super successful in English. In Germany Random House gave it a try with just Volume 1 and 2 some time ago but did not reach the target audience. Rights returned to the author.

Now Zweihänder Publishing acquired ebook, print and audiobook rights for the full series and will publish soon in a fresh translation. After the successful launch of another LitRPG series with Zweihänder we are confident that also PLAY TO LIVE will finally find its way to German readers and fans.

Sergii Rudenko – Battle for Kyiv – in Finnish

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Finnish translation published by Tammi

In February 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine: the taking of the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, was a declared main goal of the “special operation”. Both the seat of government and the base of President Zelenskyi, Putin‘s number one enemy, are in Kyiv. Whoever controls Kyiv controls Ukraine. The unexpectedly successful defense of the capital and the expulsion of the Russian occupiers from the surrounding settlements in the greater Kyiv area was a crucial turning point in the course of the war.

Sergii Rudenko, the author of a political biography about Ukrainian President Zelenskyi (sold to 25 languages), is giving a close and personal insight in his new book BATTLE FOR KYIV about this incredible spirit of resistance, which neither Putin‘s generals nor the Western world had counted on and which made it clear that the war in Ukraine and the battle for Kyiv is also a battle for freedom and self-determination in Europe. Only with the liberation of the villages around Kyiv and the gruesome discoveries of Bucha and Irpin would the Western world finally realize that this is also a battle to defend human dignity.

Anna Starobinets – Vixen Hill for Catalan

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Catalan language rights sold to Mai Més Llibres

The newest novel VIXEN HILL by Anna Starobinets is a horror thriller in the genre of mystic realism takes. The action takes place in the Far East, on the border of the Soviet Union and Manchuria (China) in 1945, right after the end of World War II and the Japanese occupation of the region. The novel combi- nes the history of the USSR, Chinese mythology, Japanese genetic engineering and Siberian shamanism.

«Starobinets doesn‘t let the reader relax for a minute as she manages to keep up the hellish pace over seven hundred and something pages.» MEDUZA (Galina Yuzefovich)