Aleksei Ivanov – Riot Gold – in Arabic

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Arabic translation published by Dar al-Kutub/ Emirates

Aleksei Ivanov’s historical novel RIOT GOLD is realistic and mystic at the same time. Because those times back in Siberia are really still mystic themselves.

1778. The Urals are smoky by mining plants. And for factories there is only one road to Russia – the rough river Chusovaya. But here the barks with factory iron are rut- hlessly destroyed by coastal rocks. For the rafters, who lead the barks on the river stremnins, there is a way to avoid the wreckage: to ask Satan for help, and transfer their immortal soul, so as not to stain it with sin, to save the torturers in a schismatic sect.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky – How to Slay a Dragon – in German

new publication

full version published by Europa Verlag

A short version of Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s newest book HOW TO SLAY A DRAGON had been published as a booklet for the Munich Security Conference where Khodorkovsky was on stage as a conference speaker. Now enhanced with a special chapter on Ukraine the full version has been published as a hardcover.

How can a totalitarian regime be put to an end? By whom? From the inside or from the outside? With a totalitarian ruler acting aggressively both internally and externally, would there even be a chance of a reasonably peaceful change of power? After that, who would come to power in Russia? And what would that power look like? How should a new Russian state be organized in order to break through the compulsion to repeat imperialism?

Far from any know-it-all attitude, the book poses questions, uncomfortable questions that have been avoided in the West up to now, such as non-violence, and derives the resulting options for action. It does not want to provide recipes, but to initiate a dis- cussion long overdue.

Viktor Martinovich – Paranoia – in Swedish

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Swedish translation published by Ersatz

Viktor Martinovich’s debut novel PARANOIA is an electrifying political thriller and a tragic story of love and betrayal, which if nothing else shines a spotlight on the methods of Big Brother in the 21st century – the new reality in Belarus under dictatorship of Lukashenko. As Martinovich himself says: “One does not need to write a new ‘1984‘ anymore, one just needs to look around.“

Julia Kissina – Springtime on the Moon – in Estonian

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Estonian edition published by Eesti Raamat

Julia Kissina is a renowned Ukrainian writer and artist living in Berlin and New York City. Her novel SPRINGTIME ON THE MOON is both a memoir of Kyiv and a coming-of-age story. A rebellious and visionary girl grows up in the milieu of the bourgeois Jewish intelligentsia in a high-rise building on the outskirts of Kyiv‘s old town.

“In addition to the surrealism of morbid images, it is the precise, often mercilessly mocking … language that makes “Spring on the Moon” an event… With Julia Kissina‘s novel, Kyiv has become a place that from now on has its place on the mytho-poetic map of Eastern Europe.“

“Springtime on the Moon» is often studiedly amusing, but the attempt to take more than light fiction from her own memories lends Kissina’s book a Nabokovian dimension… As funny as Kaminer and as serious as Nabokov.“

Anna Starobinets – Icarus Gland – in Spanish

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Spanish translation published by Impedimenta

Anna Starobinets‚ book ICARUS GLAND is a collection of seven exciting stories about a changing reality. In this reality, through a simple little operation, one can become a model family man, but inadvertently lose one’s soul in the process. A long-awaited trip to the capital of the world turns into a road to hell. A failed screenwriter, instead of meeting up with his producer, finds himself at the epicenter of an alien invasion. An awakened gene threatens to create either an angel or a demon out of a human doll. And what goals the authors of a computer game for children are really pursuing is still a mystery.