new sale
Spanish translation rights sold to Impedimenta
A series of short stories about the underside of reality and about the real world, which is much worse than the other world.
The „silver Axolotl“ is a dog-headed demon in Aztec mythology, the patron of freaks and monsters, a guide to the world of the dead. According to one of the ancient legends, at the beginning of time, Axolotl copulated with the Ice Salamander, who knew how to be in fire without being burned, as well as with the Fire Fish, who knew how to set fire to the sea, and the three of them gave birth to a child who became immortal, for when he dies, he does not die, but transforms into something else. One day, the child of Axolotl will get hungry and turn into one who will devour the whole world – and after a series of epidemics and wars, the end of times will come.