Dmitri Danilov – Sasha, hello – for Iran

new sale

Persian translation rights sold to Borj Books, imprint of Houpaa Books

Dmitri Danilov’s double award winning novel SASHA, HELLO! is welcoming us to the new Russia. Prisons are now called Combinat, you live like in a luxury hotel. Executions are no longer carried out by executioners. Instead, a warden takes you out for a walk every day through the same hallway, where one fine day you will be torn to pieces by a salvo of an algorithm controlled machine gun. This can happen in three days or in thirty years. As luck would have it. All humane, because you actually don‘t notice anything and can go on living your life as before.

Grigori Kanovich – A Kid for two Pennies in Polish

new publication

Polish language edition published by Fundacja Pogranicze

Grigori Kanovich‘s novel A KID FOR TWO PENNIES has lost none of its relevance even after 30 years. It was written in 1989 and describes Jews living together with Lithuanians, Russians and Germans in the multi-ethnic border area with the German Empire at Nemunas (Memel) before Second World War. Or rather their co-existence or even better the friction and resentment on all sides. With everyday poverty, the problems with the Russian state power and the deep Jewish longing for the „homeland of the grandfathers“.