Aleksei Fedyarov – Sfumato Dead Birds are Flying – for Czech Republic

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Czech translation rights sold to Maraton Publishers

Welcome to Russia 2032. There is peace in the world. Russia, Europe, the United States and China signed a convention with Russia: in exchange for its own security, the West no longer cares how the Russian government treats its citizens under its isolated power and only occasionally checks whether foreign policy agreements are respected. Russia is fenced and the borders are closed.

The hyper-real political landscape of Aleksei Fedyarov’s novel SFUMATO – DEAD BIRDS ARE FLYING is explicitly not post-apocalyptic, but rather develops consistently from today’s political realities.

And Fedyarov knows both sides of the barbed wire by own experience. Lawyer by education he was an investigator for the public prosecutor’s office for ten years, then later as a business man sentenced and sent to a prison camp in the Urals, today a human rights activist and head of the legal department of a Charity Fund that helps Russian prisoners and their families.

Sergei Gerasimov – Nothing New on the Eastern Front

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a novel about the war in Ukraine based on true experiences

Since the beginning of the attack on Ukraine, Sergei Gerasimov has been staying in his apartment in Kharkiv writing writing writing. In addition to his Notes from Kharkiv, published as a non-fiction book and daily in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, since day one of the attack, he has now finished a fiction novel NOTHING NEW ON THE EASTERN FRONT. Permeated with true experiences, the fiction novel makes the great suffering the war has brought to Ukraine, with all its cruelty and psychological abysses tangible, understandable and bearable.

Finally, at the age of 32, Angelina marries Gleb, who as a twelve -year-old schoolboy climbed the 250-meter-high chimney of the disused Soviet factory as a sign of his love. What they don‘t know is that two days after their wedding, Russian tanks will roll through their small town and destroy everything. They don’t know yet that seven months of occupation with all its harrowing moments lie ahead.

“A disturbing testimony.“ FAZ

“A document of terror and a document of Ukrainian courage and resistance.“ WDR

Anna Starobinets – Vixen Hills for Hungary

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Hungarian language rights sold to Europa Könyvkiado

The newest novel VIXEN HILL by Anna Starobinets is a horror thriller in the genre of mystic realism takes. The action takes place in the Far East, on the border of the Soviet Union and Manchuria (China) in 1945, right after the end of World War II and the Japanese occupation of the region. The novel combi- nes the history of the USSR, Chinese mythology, Japanese genetic engineering and Siberian shamanism.

«Starobinets doesn‘t let the reader relax for a minute as she manages to keep up the hellish pace over seven hundred and something pages.» MEDUZA (Galina Yuzefovich)

Leonid Yuzefovich – Hike to Bar-Khoto for Serbia

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Serbian translation rights sold to Logos Publishers

Leonid Yuzefovich’s latest book is a fictional story with fictional characters – but in a real setting.

In the memoirs of a Russian officer, Captain Solodovnikov, who served as a military adviser in the Mongolian army in 1912-1914, when the Mongols were defending their independence from China, the siege of the Bar-Khoto fortress occupied by the Chinese, love for the wife of a Russian diplomat in Mongolia, World War I, and exile from Leningrad to Transbaikalia in the mid-1930s are intertwined. Here the hero rethinks his own life, and thus the fate of a person in turning points.