Evgeni Grishkovets – Shirt in Norwegian

new prolongation

of the license for Norwegian edition of SHIRT

Evgeni Grishkovets‚ famous novel THE SHIRT has been translated into 12 languages. It is a Moscow winter fairy tale. It is the story of a little man in a big city, and the tale of a day in the life of a shirt that is put on in the morning and taken off at night. The Shirt is a novel about (masculine) love, the kind that turns the body up side down and lays the nerves bare; a love that is neither happy nor unhappy, but just unendurable.

“There only are two kinds of readers: those who like Grishkovez, and those who have not read him yet.“ Echo Moskvy

Grigori Kanovich – passed away

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Grigori Kanovich passed away at the age of 93

On January 20, Grigory Kanovich died in Tel Aviv at the age of 93. He devoted almost his entire long life to the memory of the people murdered in the fires and gas furnaces of the Holocaust. He was not only an award winning Lithuanian author of Jewish origin writing in Russian, but also a translator, playrighter, poet and screenwriter.

Most famous are probably his novels SHTETL ROMANCE and DEVILSPEL sold and translated into 7 languages.

The agency is sending its sincere condolences to the family.


Max Maximov – Award Best Fantasy Author

new award

Young Adult Content Award – Best fantasy author (for 2021 awarded in 2022)

Max Maximov has published already several scifi novels in the best tradition of the Strugatski brothers. His books are also timely parables exploring guilt and innocence, hell and paradise, life and spirit, nothingness and the morality of algorithms. As though in parallel worlds or in different dimensions, the reader is taken along two plots lines which at first glance do not seem connected in any way. The connection only becomes clear in the course of or towards the end of the story. This alternation between parallel plotlines has become a trademark of Maximov.

Aleksei Slapovski – passed away

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Aleksei Slapovski passed away

We are very sorry to announce that author Aleksei Slapovski recently died at the age of 65.

The very first license contract concluded by Thomas Wiedling for a novel by a Russian author – even before the agency was officially founded – happened in 1998: ANKETA – THE QUESTIONNAIRE by Aleksei Slapovski.

More novels in translation followed. Just recently the agency was able to conclude a deal for a feature film based on a theatre play by Slapovski.

Also Slapovski was one of those authors who did not hesitate to speak out against Putin’s aggressive war in Ukraine. When it became too dangerous to openly publish critical texts in Russia about this war and about Putin, Slapovski started to use a pen name.

The trusting relationship with Slapovski had developed into a friendship over the course of 25 years. We have lost an author who never lost his sense of humor. I have lost a friend.

Aleksei Ivanov – Heart of Taiga in CZ

new publication

Czech edition published by Host

Aleksei Ivanov’s historical novel HEART OF PARMA is epic, romantic, lush, brutal and wrenchingly mystical: history blends seamlessly with invention, new religion with native magic, passion with death. It is a heady, superbly involving entertainment with battles and churches, captives and cruci- fixions, pagan temples and human sacrifice, princes and traitors, women who turn into wolves and men who are cursed to live forever. It is, at heart, the tale of conquest and clashing civilizations.