new representation

The agency is very proud to represent Lev Danilkin’s LENIN, TOTEM LETTER. A BIOGRAPHY which is quite different and more than just another biography on Lenin. Also the subtitle «Totem Letter» distinguishes this version for foreign translations from the long Russian book version. Danilkin himself did not just cut the book but brought it down to half by re-writing and editing which will make many translation publishers very happy.

Lev Danilkin, one of Russia‘s most advanced literary critics, is exploring Lenin as a phenomenon. He approached the subject in an unorthodox and original way – geographically, taking the reader on a discovery route to the places of Lenin’s active work. And with the trick of introducing a narrator skeptical at first but capable of learning, Danilkin’s biography becomes not only extremely entertaining, but makes transparent at a high intellectual level that also the historical questioner is constantly influenced and changed by the object of his investigation.

This book is an injection of sound reason, justice and healthy anger.  Dmitri Bykov
No trace of dust and patina.  Galina Yuzefovich

PLEASE NOTE: 2020 is 150th anniversary of Lenin’s birthday and 2024 is 100th anniversary of Lenin’s death.

Foreign rights sold: France, Serbia