Aleksandr Grigorenko – Ilget

new publication

Bulgarian language edition published by Labyrinth

After the Bulgarian success of Aleksandr Grigorenko’s first novel MEBET which made him famous, the Bulgarian publisher brings out ILGET which is not a sequel but follows a similar setting.

„Braving the commercially suicidal subject of „northern ethnicity“ for a second time and even though he uses the same material, Grigorenko successfully manages to produce a completely new novel that in no way resembles MEBET. And which has a moral message.“ GALINA YUZEFOVICH


Evgeni Grishkovets – The Shirt

refresher license

for Norvegian translation published by Cappelendamm

Evgeni Grishkovets‚ novel THE SHIRT is the story of a little man in a big city, and the tale of a day in the life of a shirt that is put on in the morning and taken off at night.

In the meanwhile Grishkovets has established for himself the genre of personal literary essay, sharing his ironic Russian American dream in A…A and promoting ironically proud that VODKA IS MUCH BIGGER. English samples available.

Ivan Bunin – Dark Avenues

new sale

Estonian language rights sold to Postimehe Kirjastus

Postimehe will translate and publish the famous collection of short stories DARK ALLEYS by Ivan Bunin.

Due to historical circumstances during and also after the Cold War, only recently the successors of Bunin’s relatives and rightful heirs could be traced completely and thus The Bunin Estate has now been legally reconstituted. Wiedling Literary Agency is representing all works by Ivan Bunin worldwide with the exception of Russia and France.

The first russian Nobel Prize winner for literature has a come back because Russian readers feel that a next heavy political turning point will hit Russian society between 2021-24 which is hundred years after Bunin’s view on the Revolution of 1917.

Aleksei Ivanov – Le Dernier Afghan

new publication

French language edition published by Payot Rivage

Aleksei Ivanov’s novel with the original title NENASTYE uses a thriller plot to describe the developement of Russian society from the 90ies into the early 2010s. Ex-Af- ghanistan combats form a first mafia group that still obeys rules of comradeship and „honesty“ and brings kind of stability to a provincial town. But slowly they are pushed aside by other mendacious and „dishonest“ guys who are seeking their private financial profit only. A late revenge of one of the old „honest“ guys brings the situation to escalation.