Aleksei Ivanov – 3 book deal for China

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1 fiction novel and 2 nonfiction titles sold to Neo-Cogito/ China

FICTION by Aleksei Ivanov
THE GEOGRAPHER DRANK THE GLOBE – In the Russian province of the 90s a young teacher fights with the children of the new generation. He has been assigned to the most rebellious class. The „geography teacher“ and the teenagers, who are ready to break him, first sit in the walls of the classroom, but then outside the walls they together experience an adventure of comradeship and initiation.

„Geographer“ pumps new blood into the channels of emotional perception through literature and lets many readers again – lite- rally as the first time – feel very simple and familiar things: winter, love, wind, trust, lone- liness, the smell of cigarette smoke, the taste of vodka, the headache of a hangover.“ GALINA YUZEFOVICH

NONFICTION by Aleksei Ivanov
1) THE MINING CIVILIZATION – The economic potential of mining equipment gave rise to a new and unprecedented cultu- ral phenomenon, dubbed by 20th-century sociologists as the „mining civilization.“ This is a variant of the Russian world, but with a special value system, with a special mythology, with special culture heroes. And the identity of Russian mining and metallurgy, which is also the identity of the Urals, turned out to be the benchmark for its industrialization.

2) RIDGE OF RUSSIA – Russians have settled in the Urals for half a millennium, but also the Urals the Urals have been fitting the immigrants for five centuries. Thus arose in the Urals quite an amazing world, unlike the Russian one, with a complex set of local ideas about nature and man. In everyday life it is difficult to understand how the Urals differ from Russia ¬ and yet remain Russia. In any case, the fact is that the world of the Urals is not an alternative to the Russian world, but one of its versions.

Viktor Martinovich – MOVA for Latvia

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Latvian translation rights sold to Prometejs

Viktor Martinovich’s mind crushing novel about Minsk in the year 2044, when it became a provincial town in the north-west of the United States of China and Russia. Family and love are considered to be out-dated concepts, spiritual needs are fulfilled by consuming and advertising. Despite draconian punishments a particular drug somehow and repeatedly manages to get into the country: MOVA. Anyone who reads the mova note, hardly understands a word, but experiences a wonderfully euphoric high. Chinese triads, Belarusian underground insurgents and the national narcotics control office are tangled up in a drug war. Or is there more to it than meets the eye?

«MOVA is funny. MOVA is sad. MOVA is full of surprises. It is bizarre, it is a thriller, a nightmare – and intoxicating. A powerfully un-cut drug in the form of a book, a fix of which can only be heartily recommended.»
Deutschlandradio Kultur

Lada Luzina – Witches of Kyiv in Polish

new publication

First volume of the series in Polish translation published by Insignis

Kyiv has been considered not only the centre of the Christian orthodox faith but also the witches’ capital since time immemorial. Many Russian-Ukrainian artists (Mikhail Vrubel), authors (Mikhail Bulgakov) and musicians (Modest Mussorgsky) have drawn on this tradition. The settings are all so authentic that the series WITCHES OF KYIV by Lada Luzina can almost be read as an alternative guide book. With a detailed portrait of both contemporary and historical Kyiv the author tempts the reader into a world where reality is hardly distinguishable from the phantastic plot.

In this book a real demon has returned to Kyiv and none other than the three witches are able to protect the town from his curse and from a third murder. Wishful thinking when the author started to write the series, but already 15 years ago the young generation in Ukraine and especially in the big cities was full of positive plans, dreams and wishes for their own future free of old demons.

Viktor Martinovich – NIGHT for Germany

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German translation rights sold to Europa

Blackout in Central Europe. No more electricity, water is only available by the hour, due to a change in the atmosphere, oil and coal do not burn anymore, even compasses do not work. Minsk has disintegrated into clans that are in part fighting. About what happens outside the city limits, circulate only terrible rumors. The end of a suicidal world in which technology has overtaken ethics.

Viktor Martinovich‘s dystopian travelogue NIGHT goes beyond a mere parable on the social-political conditions of this last dictatorship in the heart of Europe. Thoughts create reality, and in the dark as in the light the strongest power is the word. Fake news and troll factory – believing them can cost you your life.

Anna Starobinets – new representation

new representation

all works by Anna Starobinets

The agency is proud to announce the representation of Anna Starobinets, a writer and scriptwriter who works in various genres: sci-fi, dystopias and horrors for adults, fairy and detective stories for children. She is highly decorated with awards and her works are being translated into more than 15 languages.

Wiedling Literary Agency recently realized multi-book deals:
– Serbian translation rights for her children’s detective series BEASTLY CRIME CHRONICLES to Kozikas.
– Spanish translation rights for her newest horror-thriller novel VIXEN HILLS together with refreshing rights for THE LIVING and ICARUS GLAND to Impedimenta.

After Russian aggressive invasion of Ukraine Anna Starobinets publicly announced about her decision to go into exile. She is a Russian and Israely citizen.

Aleksei Nikitin – Bat Ami for World English

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World English rights sold to Harvard University Press

Aleksei Nikitin’s novel BAT-AMI is not a documentary novel, but its story – inspired in part by the author‘s family history – is based on files relating to 1941-1942 secret service operations from the archives of the Ukrainian Secret Service. These sources enabled the author to tell the true story of the famous boxer Goldinov. Because the widespread theories about what happened to him – the rumours that were still circulating in Kyiv after the war – have largely proven to be false, as has old Yad Vashem version of events. The descriptions of Ukraine’s complex conflicts involving an overpowering Russian brother state, the Soviet secret service, German occupation, partisans and patriotic nationalist freedom fighters cast their shadows even onto the Ukraine of today.

The novel has been chosen by Ukrainian PEN Club among the Best Books of the Year 2021.

Sergii Rudenko – Battle for Kyiv

new titel

The battle for Kyiv is also a battle for freedom and self-determination in Europe

The new book by Ukrainian journalist Sergii Rudenko, author of «Zelenskyi Without Make-Up: A Political Biography» sold/published in 25 languages

The taking of the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, was a declared main goal of Putin’s “special operation”. Whoever controls Kyiv controls Ukraine. The unexpectedly successful defense of the capital and the expulsion of the Russian occupiers from the surrounding settlements in the greater Kyiv area was a crucial turning point in the course of the war.

Battle round by battle round, author Rudenko recounts the decisive moments in the defense of Kyiv and the surrounding area. Rudenko himself was in Kyiv when the war broke out, and he witnessed the first rockets hitting the Ukrainian capital.

This is a very personal book following the individual fates of 12 people, many of whom Rudenko knew personally before the war, illustrating how brutally this war changes lives. In brief flashbacks, Rudenko shows these people in their earlier life with all their plans and hopes, and then their fate during the struggle for Kyiv. Its hot first phase is described here from a wide variety of perspectives and eye witnesses. And tragically for many of these people, whose voices that appear in the book have since been silenced by the war.

Igor Eidman – The Putin System for Romania

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Romanian language rights sold to Editura Prestige

Already 6 years ago in his book THE PUTIN SYSTEM, author Igor Eidman, cousin of the murdered opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, was asking the following questions: Is the whole world about to experience a long period of instability and social and political regression? Is Europe facing the threat of a major war?

This book was (and still is) an SOS from a Russian expert. He has lived through the end of democracy in his own country and he sees the need to warn readers outside Russia of the comparable risks facing their own countries. In a new preface and epilogue the author is now reflecting his own position in the light of the Russian aggression March 2022.

For uncovering an in-house corruption scandal in the early 2010ths, Eidman lost his job and, seeing himself and his family under increased pressure, emigrated to Germany. He lives in Berlin.