Anna Starobinets – Vixen Hills for Hungary

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Hungarian language rights sold to Europa Könyvkiado

The newest novel VIXEN HILL by Anna Starobinets is a horror thriller in the genre of mystic realism takes. The action takes place in the Far East, on the border of the Soviet Union and Manchuria (China) in 1945, right after the end of World War II and the Japanese occupation of the region. The novel combi- nes the history of the USSR, Chinese mythology, Japanese genetic engineering and Siberian shamanism.

«Starobinets doesn‘t let the reader relax for a minute as she manages to keep up the hellish pace over seven hundred and something pages.» MEDUZA (Galina Yuzefovich)

Leonid Yuzefovich – Hike to Bar-Khoto for Serbia

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Serbian translation rights sold to Logos Publishers

Leonid Yuzefovich’s latest book is a fictional story with fictional characters – but in a real setting.

In the memoirs of a Russian officer, Captain Solodovnikov, who served as a military adviser in the Mongolian army in 1912-1914, when the Mongols were defending their independence from China, the siege of the Bar-Khoto fortress occupied by the Chinese, love for the wife of a Russian diplomat in Mongolia, World War I, and exile from Leningrad to Transbaikalia in the mid-1930s are intertwined. Here the hero rethinks his own life, and thus the fate of a person in turning points.

Aleksei Ivanov – Fighting Rivers for Serbia

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Serbian translation rights sold to Russika

Aleksei Ivanov’s Siberian novel THE FIGHTING RIVERS is about the tragedy of Russia’s river fleet during the Revolution. It shows Russia at the beginning of the 20th century as a rapidly developing country with a huge advanced river fleet, almost entirely in private hands. This entire complex economic massif was practically blown up by the tragedy of 1917. The main plot happens within one and a half years only, during the odyssey of the smuggler „Levshino“, who in the battles on the Kama River in 1918-1919 has enough time to fight for the Reds, the Whites, the Greens and for himself.

A novel about a seemingly distant war. But under the magnifying glass of Ivanov‘s prose we see a truth hidden deep within that extends to contemporary Russia.

Anna Starobinets – Look At Him – for France

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French language rights sold to Actes Sud

Anna Starobinets‚ documentary novel LOOK AT HIM is a groundbreaking memoir about the devastating loss of her unborn son to a fatal birth defect. The memoir describes her struggle to find sympathy, community, and psychological support for herself and her family.

The book ignited a firestorm when first published in Russia, prompting both high praise and severe condemnation for the author’s willingness to discuss long-taboo issues of women’s agency over their own bodies.

Aleksei Ivanov – The Geographer drank the globe – for Spain

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Spanish translation rights sold to Plasson e Bartleboom

In the Russian province of the 90s a young teacher fights with the children of the new generation. He has been assigned to the most rebellious class. The „geography teacher“ and the teenagers, who are ready to break him, first sit in the walls of the classroom, but then outside the walls they together experience an adventure of comradeship and initiation.

„Geographer“ pumps new blood into the channels of emotional perception through literature and lets many readers again – lite- rally as the first time – feel very simple and familiar things: winter, love, wind, trust, lone- liness, the smell of cigarette smoke, the taste of vodka, the headache of a hangover.“ GALINA YUZEFOVICH

Anna Starobinets – Beastly Crime Chronicles series for Netherlands

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Dutch translation rights for the series sold to Azboeka

In Dutch language there already had been the translation of Vol. 1 of Anna Starobinets‚ children’s detective series BEASTLY CRIME CHRONICLES.  Now we are happy to have found a new and newly founded publisher who is enthousiastic about taking over and continuing with the full series.

All the heroes of this book series are animals, but they know how to love and hate, lie and tell the truth to their face, trust and despair, betray and save – no worse and no better than us humanoid readers. Who is friend and who is foe, who is an innocent, fluffy victim, who is a deadly female predator, who is a hostage and who is an intruder, you only find out at the end, because according to the rules of the genre, the perpet- rator always remains unknown until the very end.

“A children’s detective is a rare genre, and a children’s psychological detective is an even more unique one. A spectacular literary event.“ PSYCHOLOGIES

Lev Danilkin – Gagarin – in Italian

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refresher contract for Italian language rights with Castelvecchi

Polls show that Yuri Gagarin is the No. 1 hero in Russian history of the 20th century. It is all the more surprising that for many years there has not been an appropriate open, objective, biography of the first cosmonaut based on current sources in Russia. The Gagarin biography with the title PASSENGER WITH KIDS by Lev Danilkin is an attempt to close all the gaps in the biography of the „Red Icarus“.

«Gagarin is a myth. The first cosmonaut, icon, toy in the hands of the Soviet govern- ment and journalists, but not a man. Lev Danilkin took up this difficult task – to restore Gagarin‘s human status.» THEORY AND PRACTICE

Dmitri Danilov – Sasha, hello – for Iran

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Persian translation rights sold to Borj Books, imprint of Houpaa Books

Dmitri Danilov’s double award winning novel SASHA, HELLO! is welcoming us to the new Russia. Prisons are now called Combinat, you live like in a luxury hotel. Executions are no longer carried out by executioners. Instead, a warden takes you out for a walk every day through the same hallway, where one fine day you will be torn to pieces by a salvo of an algorithm controlled machine gun. This can happen in three days or in thirty years. As luck would have it. All humane, because you actually don‘t notice anything and can go on living your life as before.